
Dangerous Driving Conviction This Year........

By Black Knight - 27 Aug 15 10:35 AM

Hi, has anyone got a driving conviction and managed to get a visa to go to America?
I have a holiday booked but got a driving conviction the following month. Have been told I won't get into America as the conviction is current, ie not spent, has anyone had any experience of this please. Trawled the internet but cannot find anything specific for driving bans?

A very nervous person..............
By Black Knight - 27 Aug 15 10:35 AM

Well, went to Belfast, got my Visa.
The experience was easy and pleasurable and I suspect a lot quicker than London............In and Out in 20minutes...............
By Mirrorman - 20 Jun 12 9:03 PM

Thanks for the update Black Knight.

I don't think the US looks at motoring convictions, only crimes of moral turpitude.

Could you not have traveled on the VWP?

Enjoy your trip.
By Black Knight - 27 Aug 15 10:35 AM

I was told as I had a 'conviction' I had to apply for a visa. Did try to find out from the Embassy if they would or wouldn't ignore the driving conviction but all I kept getting was.....look at our Faq's etc. If you go on the American embassy website and answer their questions re 'do I need to apply for a visa or ESTA, it asks if you have a conviction, answering 'yes' means you have to apply for a visa. If you apply for an ESTA, you Do Not Get that specific question and therefore you will get an ESTA. However, I didn't want to get to America and they put me on the next plane home.