Sorry if this is long winded.
I could not find another forums to ask my question so I thought I would ask on here, so excuse me if this does not apply well as in this section.
I had a criminal record that was spent in 1991 (a fine and community service) Theft from a workplace.
Nothing since then as I had never been in any kind of trouble before.
Once was enough for me.
Ten years ago I was arrested for a single alleged offence of grooming.
This came out in the wash as being untrue as it was found to have come from someone who I worked with and had a falling out with.
I was arrested, had computers taken, and social services called to interview my wife and at the time my four year old daughters.
As I say it all came out in the wash and everything was fine with all the services.
Due to all this I developed PTSD and Bipolar. question is...
Two years ago while on twitter I got into an argument with someone over something and they doxed me.
Doxing is where they can find out 'any' information about you and your family if you know how to do it including telephone numbers, address, bank details, social security number, criminal records etc etc.
We had our bank account raided the following day but we were lucky in that the bank stopped it.
While we were arguing he posted up a photo of me and made the comment of "you should have your hard drive checked"
Being arrested for 'alleged grooming but being completely innocent" would my local police force keep this record on their computer as obviously by saying "you should have your hard drive checked" he must have been referring to my arrest.
Just to add, he was using a VPN so it would have been very hard to track his IP.
Thanks for any replies.