
Disclosure - Rehabilitation of Offenders

By deebee - 6 Feb 20 8:37 AM

Hi all, i'm hoping for somoe advice.
I am currently in the process of application for a number of jobs, however i have concerns over my disclosre period.
According to the revised Rehabillitation of Offenders Act, my sentence (a fine) should be spent 12 months post the date of sentencing.

I applied for a basic disclosure certificate (to check and ensure it has been removed from that level of check) and it is still sitting on record.

I have sent this information to my solicitor and to my surprise his response was "even after 35 years i am confused by the disclosure rules".

My question - how can i facilitate or instigate the removal of my conviction or "make it spent" on a basic disclosure check.

Really hope someone has an answer for this
By Simon1983 - 3 Apr 20 10:28 PM

It is a stupid system, it is even more ridiculous that until a person is caught out by a compensation order still showing on a DBS they were not aware there conviction was not spent.

so looking deeper in to it they could have been inadvertently giving wrong info to insurance companies etc etc 

the courts do not even make people aware they need to inform DBS that they have made the payment the system is backwards