
Sick days

By Dean91 - 24 Feb 20 11:57 AM

Hi all 

I thought I'd share with you some useful information. Today I went to a recruitment agency, and on the form it said "How many sick days you have had" 

This question shouldn't be asked directly anymore, and this changed under Equality Act 2010, because those with disabilities will have higher sickness rates; and thus should be left off any form and the only authorised people to know this information is Occupational Health/Medical due to how they can advise with reasonable adjustments to ensure you stay within the workplace.
By JASB - 24 Feb 20 4:10 PM

TheWeird1 - 24 Feb 20 3:54 PM
Hi mate, 

Generally the rule of thumb is any medical screening is placed seperately on a medical sheet and can only be accessed by OH. Recruiting managers need not know this information.

The question I had today was "How many sick days" But actually, this is irrelevant, because actually, I had 4 periods of sickness and two of which were linked due to my ongoing disabilities. 

The agency in terms of ex-offenders, and to get us on the straight and narrow seems keen to find any type of work for me, they want me to disclose which is fine, but was uncomfortable doing this in an open space within the building.

Agree there are various processes - I was just mentioning some safeguards use by business - rightly or wrongly. I have sympathy with both sides of the scenario as long as it is a balanced and sensitive approach.
One bit of advice after 6 years trying to get a job. An agency that knows and puts you forward is good news. However having recruited - and today I notice I am being cynical - they always have a reason so beware. 
My advice after disclosing to the agency is get them to inform the business and say you are willing to provide further details at interview if you can be assured the disclosure will remain confidential i.e. knowledge limited to HR only, and that the disclosure is discussed in a sensitive environment.
If the business will not ensure those bits then I would have concerns about working for them.

Ensure you do not make yourself a victim at an interview by only disclosing the right amount to make them feel secure. They do not have to know all the details of your offence - it is better to give them details of your rehabilitation and improvements you have made to yourself.

 Good luck in your search and always here if support can be given.