
Studying and Disclosure Support- How to progress in life?

By Petra19 - 13 Jul 20 2:05 PM

My first conviction for common assault and criminal damage, it was a stupid mistake I regret.

I was given a 6-month prison sentence (Suspended) for 2 years.  I posted last year about being nervous the college judging me for my past cautions. Recently the college found out and asked me to declare, I did two weeks ago and now await their reply. At first, my mental health rapidly declined because for the past 3 years I have focused on studying numerous courses with the college passing and then decided to apply for the same course online.

How can those convicted do good in society if many doors close in front of them?

I am in the process of finishing my disclosure statement although when any forms ask for me to declare I get nervous and would like some advice about how increase my confidence? 
Two other application forms asked about my conviction and I pulled away before filling out in fear of discrimination. I am keen to get back on the ladder contributing to society.

I am not sure about employers asking us to disclose our criminal convictions are covered under the data protection act? Do they gossip to random strangers about my conviction? I understand they can talk within their company. 

Sometimes I feel defeated and other times happy, unfortunately, more times not.

By JASB - 9 Oct 20 9:28 AM

Petra19 - 8 Oct 20 5:21 PM
Hi everyone here, 

It has been a challenging time, especially with circumstances. 
I decided to educate my way through the rehabilitation period removing disappointment. 
When I posted I was in despair and now feel better inside of myself, facing hurdles when they occur.
I think during such times the discrimination against those with convictions is increasing.

What are others thoughts about the matter?

Hi Petra,

It is welcoming in this current times to read positive news.
As you will of read my thoughts on self belief improving an individuals quality of life in my posts; however you have to remember the positive human being feels some doubt at times. This is a normal human feeling and the method you develop to re-motivate or rejuvenate your wellbeing will do more than put a smile back. It will provide confidence when facing any and all challengers live will bring you. Yes knowing challengers are forthcoming is not something to be afraid of. It is similar to any sports person who has a desire to become the best they can, they know others will doubt them, they know others will try to use psychology to change your focus, they know they will try to divert your supporters from you.
These "tactics of discouragement and humiliation"  will not work as you are an individual who can and has recognised their "human faults", and will not be distracted from controlling or infact removing them from their character.  

Remember, there is no truth as it is only an individual's perspective of a subject

Your perspective is gained from the evidence of your own eyes which is something others cannot see