
I don't know what to do.

By chang - 23 Jul 20 12:52 AM

Convicted of manslaughter (aged 18) - 7 year sentence in 1980, released on licence, been married 34 years, self employed virtually since day of release.

Yesterday replies appeared on my business Facebook page detailing my crime and urging people to think before sporting our business, the detail was such (after 40 years) that who ever it was must of been closely affected. Messages were not threatening, but very embarrassing and hit me hard. All I could do as it is a business page was take it down.

Then in the afternoon a customer sent me a screen shot of very similar message that had been inserted into comment section of his YouTube channel ( I was in the video title, so guess it was searched) He said it appears in other videos also, but I couldn't face searching for it  he has removed that particular video.

I plain and simply do not know what to do.
By JASB - 11 Aug 20 1:32 PM

chang - 23 Jul 20 12:52 AM
Convicted of manslaughter (aged 18) - 7 year sentence in 1980, released on licence, been married 34 years, self employed virtually since day of release.

Yesterday replies appeared on my business Facebook page detailing my crime and urging people to think before sporting our business, the detail was such (after 40 years) that who ever it was must of been closely affected. Messages were not threatening, but very embarrassing and hit me hard. All I could do as it is a business page was take it down.

Then in the afternoon a customer sent me a screen shot of very similar message that had been inserted into comment section of his YouTube channel ( I was in the video title, so guess it was searched) He said it appears in other videos also, but I couldn't face searching for it  he has removed that particular video.

I plain and simply do not know what to do.

I am not concerned with the details of your offence as I feel with a high degree of certainty you are no longer the person that committed the offence.

In my case i have reinvented myself, moved locations and built a plausible story of my past life that removes the need for discussing my offence UNLESS it is required to be and then only if confidentiality is assured. That has given me some form of control.

I have lost many aspects of my life, some family members and friends, contacts for employment etc, relationships that were developing so it was a hard choice.
In my mind I was not running away as in fact I was regaining control and so improving my quality of life.

I am not telling you to do this but I would suggest you sit and discuss any scenarios that could recover your quality of life with those closest and so most affected by your decision. Explaining the issues caused by the actions of others can be hard to maturing minds but in the long run they will understand and probably support you more for it.

Good luck and know you have the support of strangers who believe in rehabilitation and your right to a quality of life