I'm a registered sex offender, and nearing the end of my tether I just feel like the last 4 and a bit years have been crazy my original conviction was for 17 deleted images and i've been hounded and profiled non stop by greater manchester police and west yorkshire police.
At no point can anyone explain to my how such a draconian and onerous order was imposed, no one can tell me about why RvSmith and RvMortimer was ignored. Nor can anyone explain to me why when I travel green notices are issued by forces.
It has got to the point where I feel i've been completely mistreated, misrepresented. I just don't know what to do or where to go to progress, I dont know how to move on and find work, I dont to how I can even start work.
Last year I approached west yorkshire police I was offered 2 jobs at starbucks and home bargains. I was told that I couldn't start them on the basis that Children would be ordering. or buying sweets etc. This year i'm told, hey you can go for those jobs. Who do I believe or who do I trust when one year they say one thing, and the next another.
I just dont know what to do
This is from my indictment
The police executed a warrant at the defendant's address on 8/8/15.
A number of electrical items were removed.Examination of a laptop revealed inaccessible indecent images of children at Categories A, Band C.Admissions have been made by the defendant to his partner who has provided a statement.
Every image found states
This image has been recovered from a 'Thum bs.db' file on the Windows user profile of '********''.Thumbs.db files are generated by the Windows operating system to enable a user of the OS to see athumbnail representation of a number of graphic files in a single location. These 'system' files are notreadily accessible without specialist knowledge.
This is from my certificate of convictionaking
indecent photographs of children x 18 making indecent photographs of children x 18
Bearing in mind my offence was for 18 deleted images, how does that translate into a SHPO like this????
1. Having contact either directly or indirectly with any child under 16 years except:
(a) Normal, incidental and not reasonably avoidable in the course of lawful day to day life
(b) Contact with the express written approval of Social Services for the area where the defendant is residing
(c) Contact with any child to whom the defendant is the biological father and a court order pursuant to the Children's Act 1989 has been granted
authorising contact.
2. Residing at any address without prior approval of his Police Offender Manager (SOMU).
3. Possessing or using any computer or device capable of accessing the internet including mobile phones unless:
(a)The make model and serial number of the device have been notified to a Police Offender Manager for the area where he resides AND
b) It has installed and maintained, monitoring software that is approved and monitored by Greater Manchester Police or any other police force in
the area in which he lives. AND
c) He does not tamper interfere remove bypass disable alter or attempt to do any of those things to the components or settings relating to the
installed risk management software.
d) With exception of a device owned and used within a public library -0r internet cafe the details of which he has provided details to his Police
Offender Manager.
The device is used solely for the purposes of work or employment (other than self-employment), is not removed by or on behalf of the Defendant
from the employer's premises, internet use of the device is subject to security measures monitored by the employer which are deemed suitable
by the Public protection Unit of the Police Force in which he lives ..
4. Taking up employment paid/unpaid (includes elf employment/voluntary work) that will bring him into regular contact with children under
5. Possessing any still or moving image of a child under 16 years old (excluding family members who must have their genitals, buttocks and torso
covered) except for televised programmes, commercially produced videos or DVD's and lawful publications such as magazines and catalogues.
6. Taking any visual image of a child under 16yrs except with knowledge and permission of that child's parent or guardian who is aware of his
7. Possessing any device capable of storing digital images unless he provides the details, make and model of such an item to his Police Offender
Manager for the area where he resides and make such a device available for inspection on request.