Pre-sentence reports are fairly normal and sometimes hugely important, my advice would be to cram in as much positive stuff about your life as possible because there's not room for much of that during sentencing...!
Obviously show you're remorseful, ACTUALLY remorseful because they will see through fake remorse. Talk about what you've done since you stopped offending. Lay it all out there.
The process is uncomfortable though, it is like judge and jury, the woman I had was stern and detailed but she was doing her job. Mine ended with her saying I'd probably get a community order. However, when I came out with a 9 month suspended sentence and a lengthy SHPO - I was in shock. I know the Crown is open to all sentencing but to go from 'probably community order' to hair's width away from being sent down, it was just unreal.
Anyway, you're lucky to get all this advice beforehand, I wish I knew all this back then. You seem convinced you're going away, but if you do, please do come back and tell us what happened when you get out. As all of our experiences matter.