By khafka - 19 Aug 21 2:17 PM
Hi folks, it's dawned on me today that I haven't had a visit from my PPU in over 3 months. Normally it'd be every 4 weeks like clockwork (I make a note). I haven't seen him since the middle of May. Perhaps worth noting I am coming up to my final year on the register and by all metrics I'm doing really well in my rehab group programme and I've never had any issues with my PPU or anything at all and for lack of a better expression I've been a model citizen. I'm just curious for the more experienced users on here, is this normal for the visits to totally die off like that?
By JASB - 20 Aug 21 12:17 PM
Hi I have had problems posting so hence my being quite. If the visits are becoming less frequent just take it positively and do not try to analyse it. Those with many years of visit experience will remember there are many words offered as complimentary upon querying it with the PPU no matter the truth.
I work on the premise that if you are really trusted, then they would book a time in advance not just turn up.
I've been classed as low risk prior to sentencing, went to medium when incarcerated but was soon reduced down. To me it has nothing to do with MAAPA, etc it is all to do with your area and their polices towards EX SO.