Many will of read my previous words and may remember my situation.
If all goes to plan I will apply to the Courts at the end of the month for my last 3 SOPO conditions to be removed. It has been a long journey; mainly utilising the self-belief I try to maintain.
I have discovered many things I was not aware of, confirmed my suspicions on certain elements but, enabled to show "the system" that though I challenge it is not out of anger and self pity, it is by using their tools; the SO Act and procedures, and so confidently and calmly and always replying courteously with the facts.
If you provide the facts they cannot simply say no, they have to give a qualified reason or you simply ask again
If they disagree because of their interpretation on words, you gain the supportive evidence that confirms your words. Be that the police Policy College, the Home Office Sex Offender management Team or quite simply slow reading of the SO Act and the Guideline documents. Remember the Act may say one thing but if it refers to another document follow the links and you may find that you are correct.
Society may take things at face value but you don't have to
One point I raised with my ex solicitors and they supported the Force Solicitor. However my PPU read ALL the references I presented and they support my case. It is only because I have that support in writing I am proceeding with my application.
Remember, your presentation is you, therefore even if it fails it could present a view of you the "system" has never seen before and therefore improve their view of you.
I am not using a solicitor; but if you have their documents from previous applications you have the basis of the "legal references" they use.