I have a question.
My husband who isn't British committed a number of offences some years ago before he met me and then a recent one in 2020. It's complicated to explain why but he is a vulnerable person (who knew no one here in the UK) and has autism which only got diagnosed in 2022 because of me nagging professionals he came into contact with to assess him and he finally got assessment funding then diagnosis.
The recent offence was an 8 month custodial sentence. Since that sentence, he is stopped on entry to the UK. They said he can't commit any further offences or it would result in deportation. Even still, he was granted EU settled status.
All other convictions became spent a while ago so it's just this left to become spent. My questions are: 1) at what point does he stop getting detained at the airport? 2) How many years would need to pass after an 8 month custodial sentence?
3) Also, what they said about one more conviction will cause deportation, do they have to stick to this? Would the record their decision? My concern is even with no further convictions, if we go on holiday and they decide to let me in and refuse him entry. Is this last scenario possible?
He's been abroad 4 times since the sentence finished. The last time is when they said about one more conviction would result in deportation so maybe I don't need to be worrying so much that they will suddenly change their mind but I thought I'd like to hear more from someone that is repeatedly stopped to at least know if that will come to an end. Or does that go on forever?