
Parents details

By Mo22 - 6 Mar 23 11:52 AM

Hi my parents are not aware of my offence and want to keep that way. The police keep asking for their details for their records???? I’m a grown man and live alone why do they want their details for?
By JASB - 19 Mar 23 2:36 PM

Was - 15 Mar 23 3:06 PM
JASB - 14 Mar 23 4:51 PM
One PPU officer got Social Services to contact the cousin of my then partner as she had a son. Long story short I complained that they had no right as I never stayed in their house for long, they knew of my offence, but especially the only SOPO condition about "communicating" was for females. I got a sort of apology! 

We took a sibling decision to not inform my Mother. 6 years later she still doesn't know. 

My sister with my youngest niece was contacted by social services. She told them I'd told her and that if they ever tried to interfere with my relationship with my niece that she would take them to court and sue them. She never heard from them again. 

My ex-gf saw an online newspaper article the same day as my sentence and called my best friend who I'd not told yet. My friend as never spoken to me again. Ironically my ex was quite supportive.

I guess what I'm saying is that every case and individual is different. Don't feel bullied into telling people you legally don't have to.

I can agree with your comments as at times "the hardest decission to make is the correct one!"

My ex (pre offence we divoiced) with slight reservations i.e. her family and friends were not to find out, has supported me generously.