
Crazy Laws

By Grey Area - 17 Sep 24 2:29 AM

Strange, isn't it? We're told every image is a record of abuse...but we can watch people simulate theft, murder, even genocide at the movies and in games every day, and no one cares.

If the number of offenders has risen to 850,000...have the number of contact offences also risen? Are there more people with this broken sexual attraction being born? Or was it always far more widespread than people thought? Perhaps "normal" is the wrong word, but to use the statistical term, perhaps closer to the "norm" and less "deviant" (again in a statistical sense) than was thought, and just needed the open availability to reveal itself?

But without the same rise in contact offences the claims made by Mary Whitehouse et al in the 1970s seems not to be borne out. The old claim that pornography invited sexual offences because a high proportion of sex offenders had pornography was always dubious. First, it would mean if true that anyone sitting on the board of censors would soon become the most corrupt individual of all and end up passing everything...but also until we know how many "upright citizens" (pun intended) use pornography and do NOT offend, the measure means nothing.

The world won't change though. The police still use number of arrests and conviction as an indication that they are "winning the war". They don't seem to realise that by that logic they'll only win when they have arrested every person in the UK...or that an arrest and conviction rate of zero would, bizarrely, be viewed as a total failure.

By punter99 - 1 Apr 23 10:57 AM

The latest in a long line of hysterical over reactions about child safety, was this story from America, about parents protesting that their kids had been shown a picture of Michelangelo's David, which was "pornographic".

This is exactly what was predicted in an episode of the Simpsons, many years ago. But it comes after a lot of recent controversy about sex education in schools. A Tory MP claimed, that children were being taught how to strangle their partners safely. This is made up nonsense, but many parents will believe it.

The reality is that children and parents face a very real danger from their mobile phones every single day, thanks to our crazy laws around illegal images. On another forum I read this:

'We had the police at the house to speak to my 13yo son. His crime was that other kids were sending a picture...of a girl from another school. On receiving it himself he felt bad for the girl and contacted her to warn her, she asked what image it was, so he sent it to her and then deleted it. She went on to thank him for thinking of her and kindly letting her know.

In any other world you would of thought the police knocked on our door to commend my son for such a kind gesture and doing the right thing !!!

No. he had my 13yo son in absolute tears as he was informed he was guilty of distributing an Indecent Image of a Child and that he would have to attend an awareness course at the police station and that it would be on his record (although they would put a note on to say he did it with good intentions).'

So young people and their parents risk being criminalised, while the imaginary threats, from porn, that isn't porn at all, are sensationalised by the press. What a world!