
Introduction - just joined Forum

By Paul Jan - 2 Jan 25 5:23 PM

As I can't see how to post a new topic to the introduction forum I though I'd do it here!

Just some brief details: police visit Jan 2021, charged August 2024, convicted Oct 2024 - indecent images of children, 16 months suspended for 18, 10 year SHPO, SOR and 100 hours community work. All this took a long time to conclude, my offending was over part of 2020. In common as other will recognise - I was in a low place with many problems - none are excuses (as the judge commented, other people have these problems and don't offend ..). A long time for the process, much as others will have experienced, but I did as much work as immediately as possible, Lucy Faithfull, psychological assessment, reading, counselling. All very helpful - to me, at that time not thinking any effect on sentencing.

In my mid 60's and retired, I'm fortunate that all this has had little adverse impact. One very major benefit (yes, really!) my relationship with my wife (of 45 years) has massively improved. She was very disappointed in me, but just so helpful and supportive. Main downside has been that my long term involvement with my church as stopped entirely. I won't detail much here for now, but they have been completely unsupportive only risk adverse to the extreme (or as my wife describes it "vindictive"). Actually, hugely disappointing, as the support, empathy and care from the police I've been involved with, now probation and others has been of the highest standard.

The SHPO, in my opinion is both unnecessary and disproportionate, I may try and get it cancelled after 5 years so my conviction can then be spent. Does it have any real problems to me now, other than annoyance, not really. Most significant impact is all my insurances now twice as much, and may impact EU travel when ETAS comes into force.

Happy to chat to anyone about my experiences etc.. and hope to contribute to this Forum.
By Ads - 12 Feb 25 12:26 PM

Hello everyone

Thank you for sharing your knowledge and insight, it's really helpful.