Firstly where can I find the link for the petition or Web page for it?
You mentioned its been discussed?
No high court have ruled that they don't now accept the present filtering system as being fair and must now be changed this is good news for yourself or your friend
The bad news is following yes unattractive teresa can't understand for the life of me why people keep electing her as a mp okay I forget she is tory representative in millionaire constituency
But seriously this woman is a disgrace and i believe she will appeal the present decision from high court like she did with the original filtering system in 2013
The other bad news is that majority of the sleeping sheep brits are planning to vote for us all to leave EU this summer time
Guess what that will mean?
Yes correct goodbye are only human rights act Article 8 which is the only thing we had to get any filtering process in the first place
Without Article 8 there is no filtering process so yes you can see what is coming soon
Unattractive teresa will delay having to do anything by appealing and then by time appeal is heard we will be out of EU
And she will employ the very best QC Barristers 1000 a hour types to say filtering system is now void as Article 8 does not apply
And the entire filtering process will either be suspended and stopped or
Will only remain as 2013 one conviction only for good
Then lovely Teresa unattractive may will bring us a watered down British bill of rights which will mean we have no rights
And on top of all this lovely depressing news many thousands of more jobs will go as most jobs keeping Britain going are European companies
As in previous tory governments 1979 onwards are lovely not here anymore Thatcher destroyed all British industry
But British sheep have been brainwashed by ukip and argument that we are been taken over by immigrants forgetting the bigger picture like no jobs and no human rights left
Scotland will then demand another vote to be s independent country and will also leave
So what will be left just England and Wales and parts of Ireland
Wales and Ireland are almost separate countries anyway
So England will be a even smaller island cut of from everything and everyone
And will have no democracy just tory party very strong in power now or mild tory labour
No jobs other than dead end low paid service jobs
And no human rights
Medieval laws to continue discrimination against anyone with any minor conviction from ten or 20 or 30 years ago for ever
I think this country is going down fast and im thinking seriously of ways to leave even to Scotland which is better than herePost Edited (Dalesguy15) : 18/02/2016 06:11:44 (GMT+1)