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E Passports

E Passports

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6 weeks ago (i.e. after the notification system was strengthened), I went from Dover to Calais and all cars were just waved through, by both UK and French border guards. Neither were interested in looking at passports or anything else.
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Mirrorman said...

I.e. since the new Schengen Information System came in earlier this year.
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That is of interest, but I believe it refers more to those entering the UK from other countries who are not British nationals.

The other thing, is most other countries, apart from the US and Canada mostly, don't widely share criminal information, so the whole project was a massive waste of money
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Hi Cory,

I haven't tried them recently to be honest, but knowing some of the ins and outs of the system in terms of Schengen travel alerts etc, whilst you're notifying travel to PPU, your passport will always flag at e-gates. If your PPU told you that it wouldn't it's either because they were lying and didn't like you asking the question, or they didn't know the answer but also didn't want to look like they didn't know so just gave an answer, if that makes sense.

The real test will be when you come off notifying. What SHOULD happen is that the alerts will no longer be there and you'll be able to use the e-gates again like anyone else, but this hasn't been tested yet so we wait to see.
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But if you don't notify of travel, you'll still be picked up, most probably re-entering, when the UK border agents scan your passport.

So you can't, and don't really want, to get around notifying
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How do you think they'd pick you up when leaving? Some airports are scanning passports on exit, but they're often not done by border force but just by the airport security people. You're right in that, in that instance, you'd be flagged as swiping out of the country but I doubt that it would set a flag off, otherwise how would people be able to fly to Thailand etc and just disappear?
Supreme Being
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Again, what fact do you have to support that? How would the information be picked up?

Advanced passenger notices are not required for all travel within the EU, just by air I think...
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I thought I would give my new Passport a try at MIA upon returning from Hamburg last week, alas it came up red and I was directed to the desk, who as always was very polite, asked where I had been and then handed me my passport back, has anyone else tried the E-Lanes at any Airport recently, I did query with my PPU Office before going and they said it should let you through.

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