

By jcdmcr - 25 Jun 20 7:05 PM


Just a quick note to say hello, i'm from Manchester but i've recently moved away. 

I had no convictions until 2015 when I was arrested and charged with x18 images, I was convicted in 2016 i had a 2 year community order and a shpo for 5 years.

Prior to this I had worked in Defence and central government, owned my own place with no mortgage and had worked since leaving uni in 1999. In the last 4 years i've worked 5 months.

In order to make amends i've donated around 15k to various charities.

I've all but given up looking for work, i'm sick of being asked how I feel about my offence, to describe what I was looking at, asking for copies of psych reports etc etc. Offender charities tell me I have to wait for space on courses, tell me i'm not fit for work yet. I've had over 5 job offers, all turned down once I declare my offence, told to provide them with copies of indictments, psych and medical reports (I refuse), i've been asked to tell people how I feel, categories of images, and quantities etc.  The whole experience left me angry and bitter to the point I felt no choice but to move away. I'm now rebuilding my life and trying to move on.
By xDanx - 26 Jun 20 3:26 AM

Welcome to the forum, I was reading your other posts so I will get to those individually in a moment.

I just want to start by thanking you for sharing your experiences and equally your frustration. I can honestly say the anger you feel is well understood and is not something you can just put to one side, but you have to try so you can give yourself chance to breath.
I can sympathize on the job searching as I am finding it difficult to motivate myself to even look for work. I have in fact applied for an online uni course which my local council is paying for, however in my application I had to make my disclosure. I got an email basically requesting documents I received from the courts and what rehabilitation I have done since. I was a little put off by it all at first but I thought I may as well comply as they still might accept my application. My only concern is what my PPU will say when he responds to the uni giving them his risk assessments ect. I probably should have asked for a copy but I felt at the time he would have only said no.

In your last post you mentioned people no longer speak to you, I hope you were able to retain some friendship and contact with family. I too have lost many friends and some family, loosing them does not bother me all that much as I now know who my true friends are. I hope this is the same for you.

I would be interested in reading more of your experiences if you so decide to share it, you are not alone and we are here to help.