
Will all this show up in Enhanced DBS disclosure?

By checkdbs - 24 Sep 20 12:06 PM

I am a former drug addict. I'm 27 years old and have never been in employment because of my drug/alcohol usage. I have recently gotten off all these substances and I've totally turned my life around. I'm now volunteering in a local charity shop and homeless shelter. I'm planning to become a mental health worker or drugs counsellor

Here is my question:

To become a mental health worker./drugs counselor, I will need to undergo an Enhanced DBS check.

Now here are the interactions I had with police:

1. My drug addict mother who had mental health problems would love to cause problems for me, as well as my brother. Once in 2006 she rang up the police after an argument we had and said that I was going to kill myself. Upon arriving she led them to my room where she had placed knives and said "look at what hes got!" She then tried her best to have me carted away with them, to no avail.

2. In 2007 i was given a reprimand for criminal damage (minor criminal damage, dealth with at the police station and not taken to court).

3. in 2007 i was jumped by a group of kids. I made a complaint and when the police arrived, they tried to accuse me of starting it all.. They also said I was "clenching my fists during questioning, I was the victim here...

4. in 2008 my mother was trying to cause trouble again, she would give us drugs and then when we didn't have them she would try to annoy me and my brother. She rang a police officer to come round and speak to us, upon coming round he was shouting at her as he knew what she was like..

5. in 2008 she was once again trying to make trouble for me. After a domestic argument the police were called by her and she said that I had petrol bombs in the back garden, I had petrol in containers for my motorbike.. The police come to the back garden and questioned me about it briefly but I said no. i even asked them to look in the shed to verify it but they didn't seem interested.

6 in 2009 my mother died from a heroin overdose. i had to move in with my somewhat autisitic brother who also loved to cause trouble. There was a domestic argument that led to a fight and the police were called in 2009. No one was arrested but they took his side and nearly arrested me..

7. Throughout 2015-2017 my brother was bullying my elderly father. I rang up 101 and asked the police to do something about it or I would have to "commission very serious offenses" against him, or something.. I was on drugs at the time and didn't mean what I was saying.. They didn't do anything anyway. I just wanted them to show up and tell him off.

8  when i used to drink and take drugs i used to do stupid things. One time i rang the police as a couple people outside were fighting.. I said to the police "hurry up or i'll smash their brains in with a hammer" i don't know why i said this.// but it was a on a mobile probably registered to me.. I didn't mean it and was under enormous amount of pressure at the time... nothing ever came of it and i never heard anything after it. this was in 2017

9. one time i rang 101 to ask them .. what was the lawful use of force i could use to stop someone stealing my car outside. I said in a joke "can i use handcuffs" to the officer on the phone.. surely this will be recorded? I was drunk at the time and on drugs etc..

10. in 2017 i had a domestic fight with my brother, he alledges i tried to "blind him" or something.. the police arrived and he didn't want to press charges.. He assaulted me first though. no one was arrested or anything..

Will any or all of these come up on an Enhanced DBS disclosure for mental health worker/ drugs counselor? I've turned my life around now and no longer associate with my brother. no other job will give me any leeway about never having worked or anything..

By AB2014 - 28 Sep 20 12:29 PM

Simon1983 - 24 Sep 20 9:58 PM
I guess Was is talking about the adult and child bared lists and that if you are on either of these lists you can’t apply for jobs that require an enhanced DBS plus baring check as it is a criminal offence to do so.On another topic, check this link as it gives you information on disclosure of police information on enhanced DBS checks and what you can do if something is disclosed that you don’t think should be it helps

It's important to distinguish between the PNC, which would just have arrest records and anything following on from that. Local files are more about police intel. You could even ask them to delete much of this stuff, as it was so long ago. Even then, for it to be disclosed, the police would have to follow their statutory guidelines, and I'm thinking this stuff might not pass the test, which would be another good reason for them to delete it. Anyway, have a look through Unlock's information here, and see if you can get the police to delete it.