
Selling new game consoles/computers with an S.O?

By JamesZ - 30 Sep 22 6:32 AM

Hi. So I recently saw an opportunity of reselling new computers and consoles online for profit. Not sure if this is a really bad idea/allowed? I have an S.O for images, but only was looking at selling brand new items that apparently sell well. I obviously realize it might be a problem,  almost didn't want to ask, but   with money being hard to come by and with a good amount of potential profit-  Just thought it was worth asking. Thanks.
By JASB - 29 Oct 22 12:44 PM

Was - 15 Oct 22 3:27 PM
JASB - 15 Oct 22 12:23 PM
Technically we are both right as it depends when the "power" dissipates from the "ram" module, not when the PC is turned off; there is a timescale difference in its decay and so become unreadable. Also the temperature can have an affect. But accessing it all depends on the scenario the module has  / is in. I mention it because as you mention there is always advancement and pressure put on the individual when being questioned as if the "investigator is knowable in all matters".

RAM loses its retention of data within seconds of the refresh cycle being removed. Effectively the data is stored in capacitors that the refresh cycle recharges. The physical size of the millions/billions of capacitors on a chip is a limiting factor on how long data could be saved for. It would take a huge decree of sophistry from a PPU to suggest that RAM is capable of retaining memory. It would never hold up on court 😉


As I said we are both right.
As it retains data; even for the briefest amount of time, it could be in all honesty be said by an "interviewer". Therefore used as a pressure question to induce the person being interviewed to say something that could allow other questions to be asked. The "retention" point does not have to be raised in Court. However, as we both have said it does, so they could in all honesty prove it; it is just the duration that would be subject to criticism, but only if the interviewer actually stated "time" factors. 
Distraction and pressure can still achieve the desired aim. 

take care and hope you get my drift Smile