
Contact numbers

By Mo22 - 1 Sep 23 11:01 AM

On the form at police station when updating any details of bank cards etc it says phone number not required. Why I have seen on the forum people mentioning you must supply any contact numbers to ppu? Is it the shpo conditions for contact offences to notify of contact numbers they referring to?
By JASB - 29 Sep 23 4:21 PM

Lineofduty - 28 Sep 23 4:39 PM
JASB - 3 Sep 23 1:38 PM

You will also see that a "vehicle reg No." is optional, and it says you are to made aware that it can / will be monitored.

Again in the overal picture is the possible issues of not supplying it worth it?

Mobile phone number, email addresses and car registration are ALL optional because otherwise it would infringe the Human Rights provisions
and in most cases are irrelevant to the offence/s.
They'll try to fill in all the blanks on their form and ask you, and then give you a copy which will show "Not obligatory" or Optional (too late).
Know your rights folks and don't give them anything they don't need for their mass intelligence gathering.

Hi sorry slow reply. On the positive side it shows your willingness to work with them. There are battles and they are wars; I prefer to win the war. Smile