Hi As my previous post I feel for you and your scenario. One point though on the "risk" comment.
Your "risk" has nothing to do with whether it is a "contact" offence or not. For example last week an individual got life solely on his "internet" based actions and the consequences of them ie a girl committed suicide.
We all (me included) have our own opinions on our own risk because we think we "really" know ourselves, so do not take my words as a dig but more of generating "thoughts" to help you understand your self and why you did what you did. I would recommend reading "
The Compassionate Mind its a renown book by Paul Gilbert. It is cheap off ebay and far better to fill your time reading this than day time tv for instance

On the staying at a hotel point, I agree that a PO can enforce their own rules but you mentioned your SHPO stated them. Hence why I would start with removing that/those conditions and then present that to your PO to help them consider reducing your risk status!
As others say, you will get nowhere "fighting" the system you have to work with it, become knowledgable of its aims and show you have met those aims to therefore progress.
Keep positive and ignore negativity i.e. the social critics just trying to look good to others. they are probably hiding secrets anyway lol