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US Visa - 2nd Attempt Success

US Visa - 2nd Attempt Success

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Thank you so much. I shall come back on and let you know how I get on although it will be a good few months before I get organised.

What great work you do.

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That's really not good news. My appointment is next week and now I'm thinking - "am I wasting my time" - I'll let you know how I get on
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Hi DaveLAC

I'll def let you know - in two years my conviction will be "spent" but never in the eyes of the USA authorities.

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Hi DaveLAC,

Fingers crossed for you for Orlando...I'm sure it will be fine. I just find it all very sad indeed that if you are only going for a couple of weeks holiday they could decide not to let someone in on a whim. I've been told that even if I get the waiver, it's up to Border Control whether you get in or not - that's really not very fair but we just have to suck it up I guess.

Good luck and let us know.

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Hi yklad81

She was extremely nice but very upfront in that she couldn't grant me a visa and told me she would put me forward for a waiver. She said the same thing as you i.e. they can refuse anyone visa or not. It's a bit worrying though as if I did get a waiver, decide to go to USA and spend quite a bit on the holiday, I could theoretically just get turned back and would have lost all that money. 98 days will go in fast, it's scary to think we are a whisper away from July - this year's flying in.

Good luck
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Hi Yklad81

That's brilliant......does the website tell you what you need to bring. Many do I book appointment. Why do you need old passport. I live in Scotland and have never heard of number 4 or 5 on your list. I would love to go to America but I am at a total loss as to how I go about it and I find the website very confusing.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Hi IEP Free

Welcome to the Forum.

If you are being released from prison on Licence, the first hurdle you will come across will be getting the permission from your Probation Officer. A standard Licence condition is that you will not be able to travel abroad except in exceptional circumstances.

Unfortunately, not be eligible to travel to the US under the Electronic Visa Waiver scheme, you would need to apply for a Holiday Visa from the US Embassy. Have a look at the US travel link on the Unlock Information Hub ( which gives information about the application process and a link to what the Immigration Officers base their decision on.

If you would like any further information, please contact the Unlock Helpline on 01634 247350 or email

Best wishes

Unlock Helpline

Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions

Call: 01634 247350 (Press 1)
Text: 07824 113848
Write: Helpline, Unlock, 35a High Street, Snodland, Kent, ME6 5AG

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Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Dear JintyD

Once you have completed the visa application, you can arrange your interview by contacting the Visa Co-ordination Office at the US Embassy in London on 09042 450100.

When you telephone, you will be asked to provide

Your name and address
Your place and date of birth
Your passport nationality and passport number
Email address

When you attend the interview, you will need to take with you:-

Confirmation page of the DS-160 (this is the Visa application form)
The letter from the Embassy which confirms your interview time and date
A print out of the page confirming receipt of your Visa application
Any other information which you think may be relevant to assist you securing a Visa

I hope this helps but, if you require any additional information, please give the Unlock Helpline a call.

Best wishes
Unlock Helpline

Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions

Call: 01634 247350 (Press 1)
Text: 07824 113848
Write: Helpline, Unlock, 35a High Street, Snodland, Kent, ME6 5AG

Find online self-information information, visit

Need Unlocks advice? Visit our self-help information site or contact our helpline
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Hi, is there any chance you can let us know what the index offense (or at least what kind of offense) was and the time passed since you were convicted? Without this I don't see any true value in the success story.

Victor H
Victor H
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Agreed all down to the offense.

Personally considering how corrupt and illegal and the American justice system of shoot first and then ask if you committed the offense, and taking into the fact America is the highest place of criminals in the world its the worst place to visit yet the most popular place everyone wants to go to.

Makes zero sense, so I just replaced the word humans with criminals and all became clearer.

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