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What does a high risk offender really look like?

What does a high risk offender really look like?

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Independent review of the case of Joseph McCann - Independent-review-of-the-case-of-Joseph-McCann.pdf

I thought I would include a link to this public report into Probation's mis-management of Joseph McCann (currently serving 33 life sentences), because it highlights how risk can be wrongly evaluated in the case of many offenders.

McCann went on to be the countries worst ever sex offender, but he wasn't treated as an SO by the authorities, because his only convictions were for burglary. He wasn't placed on any register and he didn't receive any unannounced visits to his home by PPU officers, because he was seen as 'just a burglar'. He had some licence conditions but wasn't subject to all the restrictions imposed by an SHPO. He didn't have to disclose details of his offence to his family or anybody else in his life. This was despite all the evidence of his anti social thinking, threatening behaviour and failure to comply with probation rules, never mind his long list of previous (non sexual) offences, that is detailed in this extraordinary report.

Now contrast that to how indecent images offenders are treated. Unannounced home visits, severe restrictions on daily life, forced to disclose to anybody and everybody in their lives. Yet, most of these individuals have no previous convictions for any offence of any kind, no history of threatening and intimidating behaviour and most of them follow all of probation's rules to the letter. Yet, despite all this clear evidence of good character and compliant behaviour, they are regarded in the same way as McCann is looked at now, as being dangerous, potentially violent, predators and uncontrollable sex maniacs. The level of supervision put in place for indecent image offenders is entirely out of proportion to the risk they actually pose to the public. They are treated as if they are all just waiting for a chance to go on a rampage, like McCann did.

If they were burglars instead, even prolific burglars, or any other non sexual offender, they would not be treated so harshly.

Probation consistently underestimated McCann's risk of sexual harm, until it was too late. They did this because they didn't see him as an SO. For me, the most telling part of the report is the bit where McCann received a warning letter from probation (page 38 of the report). This letter caused him to be viewed as a sex offender, for the first time, by his partner's family. It was this letter, received on the 18th April, that most likely pushed him over the edge. He probably thought that, if they were going to label him as an SO anyway, then he would show them just what he was really capable of. He started his campaign of terror, just 3 days later.

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punter99 - 5 Years Ago
xDanx - 5 Years Ago
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 10 Jul 20 3:44 PM [/b] +...
Dean91 - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] TheWeird1 - 10 Jul 20 4:00 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 10 Jul 20 4:20 PM [/b] +...
Dean91 - 5 Years Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] TheWeird1 - 10 Jul 20 4:27 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 10 Jul 20 3:44 PM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 11 Jul 20 12:01 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 11 Jul 20 1:59 PM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 11 Jul 20 9:11 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 12 Jul 20 11:40 AM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 13 Jul 20 11:30 AM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 13 Jul 20 4:53 PM [/b] +...
lotsofquer - 5 Years Ago
                                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 13 Jul 20 4:53 PM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                                             + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 14 Jul 20 12:01 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
khafka - 5 Years Ago
xDanx - 5 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] xDanx - 3 Jul 20 2:07 AM [/b] +...
khafka - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] khafka - 3 Jul 20 2:28 AM [/b] +...
xDanx - 5 Years Ago
Thorswrath - 5 Years Ago
khafka - 5 Years Ago
xDanx - 5 Years Ago

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