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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 801, Visits: 6.1K
Was - 31 Jul 22 6:03 PM
Craniumbre - 31 Jul 22 12:47 PM
I do feel like I deserve the full brunt of the law whatever that law will be!

What you actually deserve is a fair application of the law. Don't put yourself at a disadvantage.

I was so relieved when they removed the Cat A and B offences from my charges, that I made no objection to the Cat C offences still standing. I don't think that there was anything even with them that would have stood up to scrutiny, but I was never given the chance to see them to rebut the accusation.

I was, however, guilty of what I thought was "personal reckless behaviour" and it was that that led me to plead guilty. I do not regret my decision as it was the right one with the information I had at the time, but in retrospect I probably should have challenged further.

Now, I don't know your specific circumstances, so I will not speculate. But in hindsight with the course and probation I know how I got there. At this point, you probably have only your own thoughts, not those of professionals.

And don't take what the police say at face value. They can lie to you in face to face conversations. I know mine did prior and post conviction. As I said to my probation officer, probation's job is to stop me reoffending and they are judged on that. The police's job was to catch me out on a technicality so they can improve their stats.

"The police's job was to catch me out on a technicality so they can improve their stats."

Not sure that they would see it that way.  If you were reoffending and they caught you, then they would get credit for that, but their boss would still want to know, why they hadn't stopped you from reoffending in the first place. If a police force has a high reoffending rate, then it means they are failing at crime prevention, which looks really bad for them. A low reoffending rate, actually makes the PPU look like they are doing a good job.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)Supreme Being (2.4K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 11, Visits: 1.2K
I am now in touch with LFF to look into doing two of their courses and have just sent a request to Safer Lives to look into doing a programme with them.

I’ve also got another counselling programme booked in but it won’t be until much later this month when I will have a first session and I don’t know how often this will be or if it will be regular but this is more of a generic counselling rather than the specific, focused as provided by organisations.

I need to look into getting a new device!

I hope judge will go in your favour. Thanks for the links.

In general, how have you all felt when moving away?

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