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Complaint by UNLOCK leads to local police & council agreeing to cancel sharing criminal record data

Complaint by UNLOCK leads to local police & council agreeing to cancel...

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 20, Visits: 0
Great work unlock!, have to say that proposed idea was ridiculous, most of the people that require social housing need a home due to losing there home/job due to a criminal conviction so what would this gain?, denying us a home? so where do we go if we can't get a job then?, homeless?. then we just re-offend to survive!.

A home is a starting block to a better life, without a home we lose hope.

Also I forgot to add, I applied for social housing after my conviction and put it down on the forms as it asked two questions:

One about convictions
One about have you ever been on the SOR?

I answered both of these truthfully and ended up getting a good band to bid for propertys, so I don't understand what this CRB check would actually do?.

Post Edited (teg56) : 09/04/2012 17:45:07 (GMT+1)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)Supreme Being (1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
I have just secured a house from London and Quadrant Housing Association via Southend council, (feel very fortunate) I cannot recall if I had to disclose my convictions on the original reg document? however I recently had to fill in a reg doc with Estuary Housing Assoc and they did require me to disclose convictions and anything outstanding.

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