+xHey Oldyp Thanks for sharing your story. Crazy to think that these minor mistakes from your past could jeopardise a career you have been in for so long. There is not much more i can add from what the guys have already suggested. I also have 2x convictions for theft related offences which are due to be spent next month. Although mine are much more recent than yours i just wanted to say that To date i have not had any problems with employment although i have been in the same job for almost 5 years now. I gained employment 8 months after being released from prison with 2 unspent convictions i served 4 months of a 15 month sentence. So its not all doom and gloom. I am hoping that once they have been spent that more opportunities will open for me in terms of gaining better employment as I am currently in an unskilled roll and not for filling my full potential. I hope you do not experience any issues and because you have got a good connection with your colleague hopefully that will put you in good light. Keep us updated and all the best. Neo Thanks, Neo This is the first time in all those years that I have been required to submit a DBS check and I've had quite a few positions in the UK and elsewhere. Ironic that this should come back to bite me as I near the end of my career! I hope that you manage to get the role you want and deserve, a slip-up from the past really shouldn't carry weight as we grow and become more mature. Either one is a risk or one is not, to me it seems quite clear and those of us with petty or irrelevant offences which bear no relationship with the current person, should have them wiped altogether from the records. I hope it all works out for you soon.