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Schegnan system

Schegnan system

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 232, Visits: 994
Zack - 27 Feb 20 1:36 PM
TheWeird1 - 27 Feb 20 12:47 PM
I've just been reading the document set out by the gov't

and it says this 

"SIS II is used by EU and non-EU Schengen members (Switzerland, Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein). The UK will continue to use SIS II until the end of 2020." Is the full document if anyone wants to read.

Interesting read. Seems they still want access to the same sort of information that SIS II gives, despite not being in the EU or the Schengen Zone, and having no CJEU restrictions. Can't see how that is possible. I'd assumed the likes of non EU countries like Norway only had access because they agreed to freedom of movement. The non EU countries they cite are EFTA countries, although technically no CJEU involvement, EFTA isn't practically any different. I don't hear the EFTA countries rant in about sovereignty every 5 mins. More cakeism I guess, unless I'm misunderstanding.

Just like we wanted unfettered market access and no tariffs but ending freedom of movement.  Want to have cake and eat it...
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)Supreme Being (81K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 232, Visits: 994
BenS - 28 Feb 20 9:03 AM
Zack - 27 Feb 20 1:36 PM
TheWeird1 - 27 Feb 20 12:47 PM
I've just been reading the document set out by the gov't

and it says this 

"SIS II is used by EU and non-EU Schengen members (Switzerland, Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein). The UK will continue to use SIS II until the end of 2020." Is the full document if anyone wants to read.

Interesting read. Seems they still want access to the same sort of information that SIS II gives, despite not being in the EU or the Schengen Zone, and having no CJEU restrictions. Can't see how that is possible. I'd assumed the likes of non EU countries like Norway only had access because they agreed to freedom of movement. The non EU countries they cite are EFTA countries, although technically no CJEU involvement, EFTA isn't practically any different. I don't hear the EFTA countries rant in about sovereignty every 5 mins. More cakeism I guess, unless I'm misunderstanding.

There have also been a number of stories saying that the UK has illegally mass-copied loads of data from SIS II so that I can still see information on foreign offenders after it stops using the system. Won't impact UK nationals with convictions but will affect EU citizens travelling here legitimately, as the information will be irrelevant and out of date.

I posted in another thread - the UK's right to use the system extends for 3 months past the end of the transition period i.e. 31st March 2021. What happens afterwards all depends on the 'deal' that gets negotiated.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
Zack - 27 Feb 20 1:36 PM
TheWeird1 - 27 Feb 20 12:47 PM
I've just been reading the document set out by the gov't

and it says this 

"SIS II is used by EU and non-EU Schengen members (Switzerland, Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein). The UK will continue to use SIS II until the end of 2020." Is the full document if anyone wants to read.

Interesting read. Seems they still want access to the same sort of information that SIS II gives, despite not being in the EU or the Schengen Zone, and having no CJEU restrictions. Can't see how that is possible. I'd assumed the likes of non EU countries like Norway only had access because they agreed to freedom of movement. The non EU countries they cite are EFTA countries, although technically no CJEU involvement, EFTA isn't practically any different. I don't hear the EFTA countries rant in about sovereignty every 5 mins. More cakeism I guess, unless I'm misunderstanding.

There have also been a number of stories saying that the UK has illegally mass-copied loads of data from SIS II so that I can still see information on foreign offenders after it stops using the system. Won't impact UK nationals with convictions but will affect EU citizens travelling here legitimately, as the information will be irrelevant and out of date.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)Supreme Being (13K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 59, Visits: 4.6K
TheWeird1 - 27 Feb 20 12:47 PM
I've just been reading the document set out by the gov't

and it says this 

"SIS II is used by EU and non-EU Schengen members (Switzerland, Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein). The UK will continue to use SIS II until the end of 2020." Is the full document if anyone wants to read.

Interesting read. Seems they still want access to the same sort of information that SIS II gives, despite not being in the EU or the Schengen Zone, and having no CJEU restrictions. Can't see how that is possible. I'd assumed the likes of non EU countries like Norway only had access because they agreed to freedom of movement. The non EU countries they cite are EFTA countries, although technically no CJEU involvement, EFTA isn't practically any different. I don't hear the EFTA countries rant in about sovereignty every 5 mins. More cakeism I guess, unless I'm misunderstanding.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)Supreme Being (10K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 51, Visits: 961
I've just been reading the document set out by the gov't

and it says this 

"SIS II is used by EU and non-EU Schengen members (Switzerland, Norway, Icelandand Liechtenstein). The UK will continue to use SIS II until the end of 2020." Is the full document if anyone wants to read.


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