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Moped/motorbike insurance

Moped/motorbike insurance

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 42, Visits: 303
Hi guys. Do any of you know if moped/motorbike insurancers do basic, standard or enhanced checks. My conviction now spent but unsure if I would need to disclose to get insurance for the road.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.6K
Mo22 - 25 Jan 24 2:20 PM
Hi guys. Do any of you know if moped/motorbike insurancers do basic, standard or enhanced checks. My conviction now spent but unsure if I would need to disclose to get insurance for the road.

Once your conviction is spent, it is no longer relevant to any insurance from insurers in the UK, including travel insurance to go abroad. I wouldn't expect an insurer to ask for a DBS check unless they were processing a claim and were hoping to avoid the policy. They could only do a basic DBS check. There is more about this on Unlock's website here.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)


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