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Should an ACRO Subject Access Report contain reports on police home visits?

Should an ACRO Subject Access Report contain reports on police home...

Forum Guru
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Posts: 15, Visits: 62
I am subjected to police home visits after which reports are made which I have never seen. I made a Subject Access request to ACRO. The information sent to me was merely a chronological list of my arrests and convictions. How do I obtain the reports made by the police?
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)

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Posts: 32, Visits: 770
This will be local force information, so a SAR should be made as per DPA2018 to the local Police force.

ACRO only manages the PNC on behalf of Police forces, hence you will only receive PNC info from them.

Details of visits made by VISOR/PPU officers are held in a separate system, one I've heard called "Athena" by police staff, but unsure if this is the same system used across all Police forces in the country.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)

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Athena doesnt cover every force.The main system for SO, used by all forces, is still VISOR.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)

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punter99 - 7 Mar 25 12:37 PM

Athena doesnt cover every force.The main system for SO, used by all forces, is still VISOR.

Whichever system your local force uses, you should usually be making the request via their website. Go to the main page, then click on the "Request" box and keep clicking the relevant answers until you reach the form.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)


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