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Supreme Being
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Posts: 147, Visits: 34
The fear 'we' all live by... Its a horrible situation and I know I spent literally years planning for the worst, I always say my life is built on matchsticks and it's not a nice way to live, always thinking at any time you might have to stick a pin in a map and disappear!

I am slightly more optimistic these days but that doesn't mean I don't have an escape plan and funds hidden away just in case...

I hope you can pick yourself up from this and rebuild your life, have you tried removing the "Google" effect? I personally don't know anyone who's been successful with this type of conviction Sad
Supreme Being
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If you lost your job as a result of a conviction & therefore have nothing to lose & no one is going to ask why on earth you're doing it, changing your name is essential these days if your offence made the papers. The google effect means that your offence is never really spent like it would have been pre internet, & what makes it worse is how some media report offences, getting the wording hopelessly exaggerated.
Supreme Being
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Bear in mind it may not need to be a dramatic name change - if you're John ???, it's easy enough to be Jon ??? & still respond when someone calls your name. I completely agree with your last point though, when you consider that celebs caught drink driving or drugs are often able to carry on as normal after they make an excuse & apology of why everything got out of hand to the degree of committing an offence, whereas other relatively minor offences will still hold the same stigma 10 years later regardless of the fact that you've not re-offended & have dealt with your problems.
Supreme Being
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Posts: 16, Visits: 4
I have to put my angle on this. I too was convicted of 'an unmentionable' crime. Of course it was in the papers and of course there are people who like to hunt you down. I was also sacked from my employment.

Over four years has passed now. 99% of the people I talk to dont have a problem as they know me and they know im a much changed man now. It has got to the stage now that I really dont give a .... what people think of me. as I say, the people who matter are the only ones that matter to me.

Living in same house as then, couple of neighbours sometimes cause a bit of hassle for my family but that is usually down to drink and the police are happy to respond as these people like to target evryone not just me.

Perhaps Im to honest, but i always disclose upfront if im applying for jobs, in fact i am working now for a company working with rehabiltation. Indeed, I even spend some time working in prison. I suppose its a bit like the poacher becoming gamekeeper.

Things can get better, believe me. Try to stop worrying what others think, because you may be pleasantly surprised what most do think.
Victor H
Victor H
Supreme Being
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Totally agree one has to change there name you can do it yourself even you can literally become john smith tomorrow just like the other million john smith's, but id go to the deed poll and change it that way.

We have certain offences and sadly in this country its become a witch hunt and mass panic and hysteria surrounds those type of offences where no one wishes to listen but rather just write off.

And good points about the media for them its a day job to be a snitch, they have to jazz it up or label it with a name and photo of your face otherwise it won't be a story or sell, sadly in this world its a doggy dog world and the only half decent people left are perhaps the criminals and ex-offendersredface
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)

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Posts: 7, Visits: 0
hi, I think I have to agree that a name change is the only realistic solution to the 'google effect'. I did have the fortune of a footballer woth the same name sign for my local club so it pushed me down the order pretty quickly. however these sites that collect and post everybody's convictions keep popping up and pushing you back onto page 1 of the search results. Its especially frustrating for me as givem the length of time that had past, that fear factor had rescinded to a point of relative normality.

Its disappointing that people who want to put their criminal past behind them and lead a normal law abiding life have to resort to doing such things to achieve it. its almost like having to be dishonest to lead an honest life once you factor in other information like hometown etc.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)Supreme Being (4K reputation)

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hi, im new to the forum so forgive any mistakes regarding the rules.
in 2004 I was convicted of offences I can't disclose, I served my sentence, completed all programs amd probation appointments, moved to a new town, got a nice job, settled down and quietly got on with life. my convictiom became spent, my registration passed and I finally felt a free man, But then....
somebody at work decided to google everybody's names for a laugh and when my name was next, all the details of my conviction was there for all to see. they quickly vilified me and I instantly became the town's hot gossip. ive had to quit my job and leave home and now im having to start all over again.
it seems no matter what time has passed, how far you've come, you're never free from stigmas in your past.

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