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Police check for security firm

Police check for security firm

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)Supreme Being (35K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 85, Visits: 339
It depends what type of security work he will be doing. if he will be working for the MOD or the Government it would be flagged up. If it is a 'bog standard' security job it won't. They will only check his criminal record. Either way, if a concern is raised he will just need to explain it. It would be discrimination if he didn't get a job because of a family connection.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
Thanks for the reply. Its for an engineer post. I looked at the ACPO for security systems and in the Disclosure of Convictions section states that 'spent convictions warnings, cautions etc cannot be considered'. It also states the police check will be limited to a PNC check against criminal convictions only. Therefore I would assume it will be a basic check only and hopefully nothing will show up regarding his uncle.

And yes it would surely be illegal for them to refuse the position because of someone else.

Thanks again.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
My son who has no criminal record has been accepted for a position with a security firm on the condition all checks are ok.

One of those checks is a police check. While I have no concern for my son his uncle is serving a lengthy sentence and both were registered at same address. Will his uncles record have have any effect on my sons police check?

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