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Best time to mention conviction to potential employer?

Best time to mention conviction to potential employer?

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Brovakin

When you disclose a conviction may well vary from job to job. We would never recommend that somebody sets out all the details of their offences on an application form as this is only going to allow an employer to make a pre-conceived judgement about you and, as you state, may well mean that you will not even be offered an interview. If the application form asks if you have convictions it's probably best to tick the 'yes' box but state that you would be prepared to give further details at interview.

Disclosing at interview stage is probably your best bet. If however you don't feel the interview has gone particularly well or the interview panel is made up of say a work colleague who you don't feel safe disclosing to, then this may not be possible.

I attach a link to our Information Hub which provides details of when to disclose which you may find useful -

I hope you find this useful. Good luck with the job hunting.

Best wishes

Unlock Helpline

Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions

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Victor H
Victor H
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Unless they ask you are not required by law to disclose that is it really.

Very important to remember the above which I just quoted by AJW

Only disclose when required, its the companies loss and treat it as such for the next guy they get in may call in sick every other week or turn up late.

If an employer had any common sense they would not ask or run a back ground check, all that is required is if you turn up on time and work hard and get the job done.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)

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Unless they ask you are not required by law to disclose that is it really.

Sure probation can step in if they feel you are at a high risk of re-offending but any reasonable PO would like to see you in employment as that usually reduces the risks

Post Edited (AJW83) : 13/08/2014 20:53:53 (GMT+2)

Supreme Being
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I have a single conviction and am still halfway through a suspended sentence. After some time not working I started going for interviews and was recently made an offer.

I was advised by probation that I needed to disclose the conviction and when I did the offer was revoked. The company and the agency involved were really not impressed that I didn't disclose it earlier, though I got the impression that I wouldn't even reached interview had I disclosed it.

So, when is the best time to disclose? The kind of work I do means that I deal initially with recruitment agencies.

Side note: my offence was computer-related, so probation have told me that disclosure should always be made for a role which involves computers.

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