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Trace or No Live Trace ?

Trace or No Live Trace ?

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 26
Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:18 AM
Sadnakan - 20 Sep 16 7:21 PM
Hiya fellow Crims !!

I wondered if anybody else apart from myself, has had the experience of having their original Police Certificate, in my view 'Upgraded' from 'No Trace' to 'No Live Trace' ? This happened to me recently when I applied for a visa for the USA which needs the cert to have been issued within the previous six months. All convictions of mine were from the 1970's incidentally.



Don't think the helpline has come across anything like this before.

How long ago was it that your Police Certificate came up with 'No Trace'?  We'd be interested in looking into this further and will try and run it past ACRO (anonymously of course) to get their take on why/when this is likely to happen.



Hiya Debs and thanks for replying to my post. The original 'No Trace' cert was issued in 2007/8 . Unfortunately, in my innocence I discarded this as I assumed the replacement - issued in May of this year, would simply be the same. This I needed for a visa interview at the US Embassy in August as they require one issued within the previous six months. I also had a response from Christian at 'Unlock' who stated that if this is now legislation, I can do nothing about it.
I have a letter prepared for ACRO via SAQ, which goes into more detail and  which I would like to run by you somehow if possible.
If this is new legislation, then surely others on the Forum should have had this experience also ??
Also, having already spoken to two individuals at ACRO (who both professed no knowledge of anyone their end changing anything - or any record of who changed what when - a big blank !!) they then should be able to inform us as to who made that legislative change, why, and most importantly at whose behest.
The Federal Government of the United Staes springs to mind !!
The fact that I no longer have the original 'No Trace' should make no difference whatsoever, as I refuse to believe the British Police do not still have a record of that original issue.
Yes, I would be very grateful if you could assist me further with this Debs.

Regards. Rob Pinnock.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Sadnakan - 20 Sep 16 7:21 PM
Hiya fellow Crims !!

I wondered if anybody else apart from myself, has had the experience of having their original Police Certificate, in my view 'Upgraded' from 'No Trace' to 'No Live Trace' ? This happened to me recently when I applied for a visa for the USA which needs the cert to have been issued within the previous six months. All convictions of mine were from the 1970's incidentally.



Don't think the helpline has come across anything like this before.

How long ago was it that your Police Certificate came up with 'No Trace'?  We'd be interested in looking into this further and will try and run it past ACRO (anonymously of course) to get their take on why/when this is likely to happen.



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Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 26
Hiya fellow Crims !!

I wondered if anybody else apart from myself, has had the experience of having their original Police Certificate, in my view 'Upgraded' from 'No Trace' to 'No Live Trace' ? This happened to me recently when I applied for a visa for the USA which needs the cert to have been issued within the previous six months. All convictions of mine were from the 1970's incidentally.


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