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Living in Europe

Living in Europe

Supreme Being
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Posts: 17, Visits: 20
Hi, due to discrimination in the UK regarding jobs as well as the desire to live a normal life and not face intrusion by authorities, i'm strongly considering moving to somewhere else in the EU, whilst we still can (Brexit). The only other country in the EU to have a register like the UK is Ireland, of which I wouldn't want to move to anyway. All other EU countries find the UK register to be a breach of human rights- I strongly believe that to be true. I'd like to experience living in a different country, moving there wouldn't be a problem, the question is what kind of jobs can you take up to be able to support yourself? Surely it's very difficult due to most EU countries wanting to employ their own people who speak the native language. I'm not sure what kind of jobs I could do? I just want to leave the UK for a few years, come back when I'm off the register. Maybe the Netherlands is a good choice as they tend to speak English as a first language.  

Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks. 
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Normallife - 13 Mar 17 2:39 PM
Hi, due to discrimination in the UK regarding jobs as well as the desire to live a normal life and not face intrusion by authorities, i'm strongly considering moving to somewhere else in the EU, whilst we still can (Brexit). The only other country in the EU to have a register like the UK is Ireland, of which I wouldn't want to move to anyway. All other EU countries find the UK register to be a breach of human rights- I strongly believe that to be true. I'd like to experience living in a different country, moving there wouldn't be a problem, the question is what kind of jobs can you take up to be able to support yourself? Surely it's very difficult due to most EU countries wanting to employ their own people who speak the native language. I'm not sure what kind of jobs I could do? I just want to leave the UK for a few years, come back when I'm off the register. Maybe the Netherlands is a good choice as they tend to speak English as a first language.  

Any ideas and suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thanks. 

Hi Normallife

Apparently 65% of people in the Netherlands speak English and the figures are higher for some of the Nordic countries.

I've attached a link to some information we produced last year on European Criminal Record checks which you may find interesting -

Thought this information about working in the Netherlands was quite interesting - and getting some seasonal work in the hospitality industry might be worth considering.

Let us know how you get on.  Good luck.


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Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
English is an official language in Malta (jointly with Maltese), and most Maltese are bilingual in both languages.

All official documentation, government administration, business, etc. is in English.

Also, it's rather warm and sunny there :-)

I lived abroad for a while when on the register, it is perfectly doable and I had zero intrusion from the local authorities. All I had to do was when visiting the UK to see family etc., I had to do a foreign travel notification with no return date.
8 Years Ago by BenS
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Posts: 17, Visits: 20
Hi Ben, do you mind telling me which country you lived abroad and what occupation you took up? Did you have any difficulties finding employment? Thanks.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)Supreme Being (6.8K reputation)

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Posts: 17, Visits: 20
Ok thanks.

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