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Professional Indemnity Insurance

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi James

Have you had a look at Unlock's list of brokers

It might be a case of spending a couple of hours ringing around but hopefully there will be somebody that can help.

Good luck and congratulations on the job

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Hi James.

Tough one. Do direct line do that insurance. I know they don't ask any convictions questions for car insurance. Worth a look?

onwards and upwards

onwards and upwards
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Hi James, maybe you've been here already (so sorry if it's a waste of time), but Unlock has info on insurance and specific insurers re. convictions questions:
james gtr manchester
james gtr manchester
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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 36, Visits: 49

I've been offered a job despite having a conviction for the possession of indecent images.

So my problem now is that I need professional indemnity insurance, however i'm finding that a lot of companies wont touch me with a barge pole.

Does anyone have any advice?
james gtr manchester
james gtr manchester
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Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 36, Visits: 49
Cheers, I didn't see this!!
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james gtr manchester - 5 Apr 16 9:24 AM

I've been offered a job despite having a conviction for the possession of indecent images.

So my problem now is that I need professional indemnity insurance, however i'm finding that a lot of companies wont touch me with a barge pole.

Does anyone have any advice?

Hi James, 
I have now called 10 Insurers on the Unlocked list and none will provide me Professional Indemnity insurance as I was sentenced to 1 year in prison in 2015 and am not out of the Rehabilitation Period. 
Did you find anyone? 

Supreme Being
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0345 122 0744 try these people they are Intasure dont know if they specifically cover what your after but I have my business insurance with them. They were nice to deal with.
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For anyone else who is at the end of their tether I have finally found (after about 50 calls) a broker who will provide Professional Indemnity insurance. They are Coversure, I spoke to guy called Alex Goff, telephone is 01788 878044. 
Unlock may I be so bold as to suggest you add them to your list of insurers for Professional Indemnity as I called so many and its horrible having to explain to 50 different people the details of a mistake you made in the past!

7 Years Ago by ogoreo
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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ogoreo - 7 Jun 18 11:37 AM
For anyone else who is at the end of their tether I have finally found (after about 50 calls) a broker who will provide Professional Indemnity insurance. They are Coversure, I spoke to guy called Alex Goff, telephone is 01788 878044. 
Unlock may I be so bold as to suggest you add them to your list of insurers for Professional Indemnity as I called so many and its horrible having to explain to 50 different people the details of a mistake you made in the past!

Thanks for the information about Coversure. They may indeed be one to add to our list of brokers.


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