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Disclosure Review

Disclosure Review

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)Supreme Being (59K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 234, Visits: 994
Let's see if anything actually changes... Link Here

The Review found that the duty to record, retain and review material collected during the course of the investigation was not routinely complied with by police and prosecutors. Disclosure obligations begin at the start of an investigation, and investigators have a duty to conduct a thorough investigation, manage all material appropriately and follow all reasonable lines of inquiry, whether they point towards or away from any suspect. The Review found that this was not happening routinely in all cases. At the least this caused costly delays for the justice system and at worst it meant that cases were being pursued which the evidence did not support. The impact of these failings caused untold damage to those making allegations and those accused of them.


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