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Merry Christmas to all our Forum members from everybody at Unlock

Merry Christmas to all our Forum members from everybody at Unlock

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)Supreme Being (80K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 232, Visits: 994
To everyone : remember that no matter what your situation is, you are one year further forward on your journey of rehabilitation than you were last Xmas.

A big thank you and Happy Christmas to everyone at Unlock for continuing to provide a wealth of information and reassurance to those of us experiencing the criminal justice system for the first (and only) time.

Likewise, a big thank you and best wishes to everyone who contributes to the Forum - as I continue to discover, sometimes you can only find the real facts by talking (digitally in the forum case) to others in a similar situation who can provide real on-the-ground evidence and examples.

Go enjoy!
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 201, Visits: 5.5K
Deb S - 21 Dec 18 12:12 PM

Love this, it made my partner laugh. 
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)Supreme Being (55K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 201, Visits: 5.5K
Deb S - 21 Dec 18 12:12 PM

A merry Christmas to all, I hope its a good one. My personal thanks to Unlock for making 
this forum available to every one who needs it and helping so many that dont have many places to turn to. 
7 Years Ago by CC
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 397, Visits: 5.9K

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