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Applying for work through a recruitment agency

Applying for work through a recruitment agency

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


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Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:40 AM
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


After reading this article there's something that i'm still not clear on: do we have to disclose unspent convictions to a recruitment agency in the same way we do to a potential employer, if the agency is merely getting us the interview. I was recently offered a job; the company didn't ask about convictions but the recruitment agency did (on the registration form). They then shared that with the company who withdrew the offer. I also would like to know if the agency is entitled to share such information without our consent.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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ginger-t - 12 Apr 17 11:18 AM
Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:40 AM
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


After reading this article there's something that i'm still not clear on: do we have to disclose unspent convictions to a recruitment agency in the same way we do to a potential employer, if the agency is merely getting us the interview. I was recently offered a job; the company didn't ask about convictions but the recruitment agency did (on the registration form). They then shared that with the company who withdrew the offer. I also would like to know if the agency is entitled to share such information without our consent.

Hi Ginger-T

Thanks for your post. 

We've certainly come across circumstances very similar to yours in the past and I've also heard of agencies not putting people forward for jobs if they've disclosed a criminal record on the agency registration forms.

If you're just using the agency as an means of introduction to employers then you may find you'll have a better chance of getting interviews and ultimately securing a job if you don't disclose to them. You may come across the odd employer who's hacked off that you haven't told the agency but you could explain that as its extremely sensitive information, you'd prefer to sit down with an employer and explain to them face to face.     

The only time that you'd have a legal obligation to explain to the agency would be if you were employed by them and being paid by them (for example if you're temping). 

Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.


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Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:40 AM
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


I just started a new post as I hadn't seen this thread before. It's quite a lengthy one sorry!

 I'm having a lot of problems with agencies... well, by a lot of problems I mean a lot of nothing! I sign up and get no contact after that. I'm so sick of being open and honest about a very sensitive piece of information and getting no respect back. I'd be really interested in hearing other ex offenders experiences with applying for jobs and what kind of jobs they are going for.
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DisplacedR - 25 Jun 19 3:23 PM
Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:40 AM
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


I just started a new post as I hadn't seen this thread before. It's quite a lengthy one sorry!

 I'm having a lot of problems with agencies... well, by a lot of problems I mean a lot of nothing! I sign up and get no contact after that. I'm so sick of being open and honest about a very sensitive piece of information and getting no respect back. I'd be really interested in hearing other ex offenders experiences with applying for jobs and what kind of jobs they are going for.

I did see the other post, and appreciated Debbie's timing (which must be coincidental). I, too, have had problems with agencies. There's one I signed up with in 2015, and I still haven't heard from them. Another was quite open (and polite) about not placing people with unspent convictions to disclose. A third actually had a session at my local Job Centre Plus, and were quite clear with them that they would accept people with unspent convictions. They didn't, though, not a single one. Unless it's one of the few who actually specialise in helping people with unspent convictions, it's a waste of time. If the Job Centre insist, then do what they say, safe in the knowledge that it's a waste of time in the sense of it not helping you to progress, but in another way it means you won't be sanctioned, so it's not a complete waste of time.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
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AB2014 - 25 Jun 19 3:33 PM
DisplacedR - 25 Jun 19 3:23 PM
Deb S - 21 Sep 16 9:40 AM
Hi All

We've just produced some new information - Applying for work through a recruitment agency.  The page also gives details of some national agencies who specifically help people with a criminal record.

If you've have any particularly good or bad experiences of recruitment agencies, please let us know.


I just started a new post as I hadn't seen this thread before. It's quite a lengthy one sorry!

 I'm having a lot of problems with agencies... well, by a lot of problems I mean a lot of nothing! I sign up and get no contact after that. I'm so sick of being open and honest about a very sensitive piece of information and getting no respect back. I'd be really interested in hearing other ex offenders experiences with applying for jobs and what kind of jobs they are going for.

I did see the other post, and appreciated Debbie's timing (which must be coincidental). I, too, have had problems with agencies. There's one I signed up with in 2015, and I still haven't heard from them. Another was quite open (and polite) about not placing people with unspent convictions to disclose. A third actually had a session at my local Job Centre Plus, and were quite clear with them that they would accept people with unspent convictions. They didn't, though, not a single one. Unless it's one of the few who actually specialise in helping people with unspent convictions, it's a waste of time. If the Job Centre insist, then do what they say, safe in the knowledge that it's a waste of time in the sense of it not helping you to progress, but in another way it means you won't be sanctioned, so it's not a complete waste of time.

Thanks for your reply, makes you feel less alone 😊... the way society treats people with convictions is criminal in itself! Luckily, the job centre aren't on my case. My work coach knows the situation and has no idea what to do to help me. I tell him I'm applying for jobs and apprenticeships, looking in to self employment, trying to find funding for courses.... he knows I'm doing what I can but the fact that he can't help and I seem to hit brick walls every time... job centre can't really say much. 

I think I'm just going to steer clear of agencies from now on. I'm grateful for the specialist agency list that Debbie posted but they're no good. Chance2013 doesn't work/exist any more, working chance I've contacted before to no avail and the others are a bit out of my league (managers/flt). It's hard to know where to turn and what to do. Considered selling myself even. Thankfully I am in a relationship and my partner won't allow it, otherwise, I dread to think where I'd end up!
Supreme Being
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It would be an interesting research piece for Unlock to review the numbers of people who are unemployable because of convictions who are under the 'guidance' of jobcentre. 

With employers crying into the English Channel at the loss of workers how can we make every unemployed outcast worthy of their zero hours  contract? 

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