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Renting with a S.O?

Renting with a S.O?

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Hi, does anyone have experience with this?
Just wanted to know if there is anything to be concerned about?
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 331, Visits: 18K
Depends on the landlord and the tenancy agreement. Most will be a boilerplate type one which usually states something about a criminal record could null the tenancy but you'd best check yours. Also, depending on your conviction and what bands and monitoring and things you have then certain properties might not be available to you regardless. My offence was for indecent images and my property just so happens to be a stone's throw away from a local school (Facebook mobs loved learning that!) and the police/courts and my PPU don't seem in the slightest bit concerned by that, quite rightly too.

For what its worth - I just never told my landlord about it. Been roughly a year and a half since I've been on it, another year and a bit to go. I was in the local paper and the local Guy Fawkes Mask Enthusiast group briefly when it all went down.

I've called my landlord a few times to get things looked at and he's never mentioned anything.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)Supreme Being (47K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 299, Visits: 3.7K
I believe that, like employment or insurance, you have to disclose an unspent conviction if asked. 

My contract predated my conviction and has been renewed by extension each year. It does not mention convictions, so I haven't brought it up, but it also means that I have not asked for terms to be varied as that would require a new contract, and as has been mentioned, some boilerplate contracts and letting agencies ask  I've just agreed to an extension that will take me beyond the notification requirements.

You also need to bear in mind that if you are in any sort of shared accommodation that the PPU will visit and your fellow tenants will know all about it.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)Supreme Being (15K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Same here. See if this posts. 
Everytime it shows an error message, but occasionally does post as well.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
I desperately need to move as my health is worsening and I have a visual impairment and therefore registered partially sighted.

Scared to try register with council though as it asks on the form.

Scared to ask housing association for a move as my PPU felt they didn’t need to disclose to them but they might find out if they ask for up to date DBS.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)Supreme Being (11K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 71, Visits: 1.4K
It might be worth depending on how long ago you where convicted going straight to housing associations. Before I was convicted I was looking into housing association and some of them only ask if you’ve been convicted in the last two years going this route you would avoid having to go on a council registry where they will probably ask about unspent convictions

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