theForum is run by the charity Unlock. We do not actively moderate, monitor or edit contributions but we may intervene and take any action as we think necessary. Further details can be found in our terms of use. If you have any concerns over the contents on our site, please either register those concerns using the report-a-post button or email us at

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)Supreme Being (178K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Many thanks to everyone for their individual and collective support to each other.

I wish all the success to everyone for the New Year in reaching our individual targets.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 293, Visits: 4.7K
Merry Christmas to the Unlock team and all the members here too.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)Supreme Being (167K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi All 

As I'm sure you're aware, the forum has encountered some technical issues this year leading to problems in posting and responding to threads. It's taken us a lot longer than we would have liked to deal with the issues we've come up against but I'm pleased to say we're up and running again.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everybody who has stuck with us and to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy and peaceful New Year. 

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Best wishes

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