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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)Supreme Being (254K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.5K
GgLong - 18 May 22 2:42 AM
Hi thereI wondered if anyone could help.I very stupidly stole from a workplace back in 2012 and was cautioned for theft. I’ve never committed any other offences and generally still beat myself up about this 10 years later. I’m aware that I have to apply for a visa, but can only see success stories relating to drugs offences? My question is has anyone been granted the visa with a theft caution?

Well, first of all, I'd say have a look at Unlock's information on Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude. As theft is on their list, that means you probably wouldn't get a visa, but you might get a waiver of inadmissibility. You have to go through the visa process first, then the waiver process, so it's even more time and expense, and could easiily take eighteen months over the two applications. On the other hand, as the US authorities don't have access to our Police National Computer, they have to rely on what you tell them if you apply for an ESTA, and there is no link between your passport and your police record. Let's face it, if they knew the answers to those questions already, they wouldn't have to ask, would they? So, if you say you don't have a criminal record, they have to believe you. I'm sure many people do that every year, travel there and back with no problems and have a great holiday. Or business trip. You only have to apply for a visa if you want to live there, work there or study there, or if you tell them on your ESTA application that you have a criminal record. Once they know the information, they won't ignore or forget it.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)Supreme Being (274 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 8
Hi there

I wondered if anyone could help.

I very stupidly stole from a workplace back in 2012 and was cautioned for theft. I’ve never committed any other offences and generally still beat myself up about this 10 years later. I’m aware that I have to apply for a visa, but can only see success stories relating to drugs offences? My question is has anyone been granted the visa with a theft caution?


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