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LinkedIn with an S.O?

LinkedIn with an S.O?

Supreme Being
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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Catz - 3 Jan 23 4:58 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. I might think twice about it. 

As I and I beleive others have indicated; do think of the possible consequences and if the positives outbalance the negatives, it then just depends on how "risk adverse you are?"
Good luck

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
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Thanks for all the info guys. I might think twice about it. 
Supreme Being
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Catz - 31 Dec 22 7:03 PM
Is it a good idea to use LinkedIn with an S.O? Not Googleable (S.O. for images). I wanted to improve online employment chances - freelance/marketing etc. Thanks.

Prior to being arrested for my offence  I had a senior job with a retailer.

On my release from prison one of the first things I did was delete my LinkedIn account. My offence (as far as I have searched) is not online anywhere but it is highly likely that a number of people I used to work with would know what happened. If I started to be active on LinkedIn again it is possible that someone may post a comment about my past. 

I have no social media presence at all since my offence. In my opinion it is best to keep a low profile as at some point it is likely someone will say something.

There are no rules though stopping you being on LinkedIn as long as you use your actual name. 
Mr W
Mr W
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This is an issue that's quite common with people in our position but usually because of the Google effect.
If that's not an issue for you then that does make things easier but you may not be totally out of the woods. If someone were to out you online eg on social media, there's little you can do about it and that could be a pain if you've built up a reputation with your work.
Obviously, that's unlikely to happen if you only work with people you never meet as opposed to working with people local to those who are aware of your past.
I am Googlable, so I do use a different name online (registered of course) and on LinkedIn for my freelance work and nobody (as yet) has even chased official references.
If I were able to keep my name from being online at all, I personally would still use a different name anyway because you're starting from scratch, especially if the work you're looking to do won't be too dependent on references. Eg if you're a freelance digital artist, clients won't care you used to work in a bar. I hope that makes sense.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
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Catz - 31 Dec 22 7:03 PM
Is it a good idea to use LinkedIn with an S.O? Not Googleable (S.O. for images). I wanted to improve online employment chances - freelance/marketing etc. Thanks.

I hope you find this method successful but one point, which I do not want to sound as a negative or my trying to persuade you off from following this path.
Ask your self the simple question:
Does anyone who you have been employed by or worked with use it?

I am not sure if you have changed your name but obviously the employment details you include offer any perspective employer the opportunity to contact a past employer for a ref.
The above means that even if you have changed your name your CV details can be used negatively.

I fell foul of this and hence canceled my account.
Have confidence in whatever decision you make and I wish you all the positivity possible in your search.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
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punter99 - 1 Jan 23 3:44 PM
Catz - 31 Dec 22 7:03 PM
Is it a good idea to use LinkedIn with an S.O? Not Googleable (S.O. for images). I wanted to improve online employment chances - freelance/marketing etc. Thanks.

By not Googleable I'm assuming you mean there is no trace of your offence online? If there was no media coverage at all and noboby you have worked with in the past, knows about your conviction, then I don't see a problem.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)

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Catz - 31 Dec 22 7:03 PM
Is it a good idea to use LinkedIn with an S.O? Not Googleable (S.O. for images). I wanted to improve online employment chances - freelance/marketing etc. Thanks.

By not Googleable I'm assuming you mean there is no trace of your offence online? If there was no media coverage at all and noboby you have worked with in the past, knows about your conviction, then I don't see a problem.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 17
Is it a good idea to use LinkedIn with an S.O? Not Googleable (S.O. for images). I wanted to improve online employment chances - freelance/marketing etc. Thanks.

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