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Annoyed re Disclosure

Annoyed re Disclosure

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Fairbyblue - 22 Feb 24 9:41 AM
I have a conviction which I got 9 months in prison. This was 34 years ago (1990) Applied for role, they wanted basic in advert and job app so I answered that I have no unspent convictions which is correct. They offered job with conditional offer letter - I then had to go in and produce all my docs eg education and right to work. The manager then said the role was enhanced DBS. So I immediately told them about conviction and produced a self disclosure statement over circumstances of offence. It then went to their DBS panel and the offer was withdrawn due to me not disclosing conviction on application form. Although they only wanted basic and I was not obliged to. I emailed HR and pointed this out and they said advert was wrong ! I have copies of all this. Is there anything I can do?

I feel for you as this happened multi times to me after receiving offers; I even had an agency say they had told the firm about my disclosure but during the interview they conditionally made an offer but then asked why with my skill set I had been out of work? The agency had not told them and an embarrassed interviewer check with HR and pulled the offer.

The advert may have said what you mentioned but as an ex HR person I know I would advertise using a loose description to attract a wider range of candidates so i do not think you will get far with that point.

In the end all I could hope for is that by being honest, even when not asked, gave me credit points. unfortunately it never did but you may be more lucky.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)Supreme Being (122K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 804, Visits: 6.1K
Fairbyblue - 22 Feb 24 9:41 AM
I have a conviction which I got 9 months in prison. This was 34 years ago (1990) Applied for role, they wanted basic in advert and job app so I answered that I have no unspent convictions which is correct. They offered job with conditional offer letter - I then had to go in and produce all my docs eg education and right to work. The manager then said the role was enhanced DBS. So I immediately told them about conviction and produced a self disclosure statement over circumstances of offence. It then went to their DBS panel and the offer was withdrawn due to me not disclosing conviction on application form. Although they only wanted basic and I was not obliged to. I emailed HR and pointed this out and they said advert was wrong ! I have copies of all this. Is there anything I can do?

It's maybe more of an employment law question. Try phoning ACAS.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)Supreme Being (180 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 1
I have a conviction which I got 9 months in prison. This was 34 years ago (1990) Applied for role, they wanted basic in advert and job app so I answered that I have no unspent convictions which is correct. They offered job with conditional offer letter - I then had to go in and produce all my docs eg education and right to work. The manager then said the role was enhanced DBS. So I immediately told them about conviction and produced a self disclosure statement over circumstances of offence. It then went to their DBS panel and the offer was withdrawn due to me not disclosing conviction on application form. Although they only wanted basic and I was not obliged to. I emailed HR and pointed this out and they said advert was wrong ! I have copies of all this. Is there anything I can do?

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