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Long wait times stuck with DHS

Long wait times stuck with DHS

Supreme Being
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JME C - 3 Oct 24 9:59 AM
Bump - I'm still waiting to hear back, wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? 

It would seem that it's an excessive wait: Visa Appointment Wait Times (

Have you tried contacting your local MP to see if they can help (given it's a governmental level kind of question)?
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)

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JME C - 6 Sep 24 4:09 PM
Hi All, 

Looking for advise and if anyone else is stuck in limbo. I need to travel to US for work and this is beginning to become a problem. 

I need to get a visa due to a conviction in 10.12.2008 for POSSESS CANNABIS A CLASS C CONTROLLED DRUG ON 27.11.2008. MAGISTRATES COURT FINE OF 60 POUNDS (GBP) FORFEITED AND DESTROYED. 

Annoyingly this doesn't even appear on the records optioned from the police but does on old copies that I hold. As I have to travel for work I can't afford to risk an ESTA. 

I had an appointment at the US embassy in London on the 18/08/23.
My previous Visa had expired and was applying for a new one so I can travel to my US office for work.
After the interview the consular recommended a waiver would be put forward due to my ineligibility (same process for my last Visa that was approved). The letter that was provided on the day said it would be around a 6 month wait, however it's now been over a year. I’ve received no further communication, I have attempted to contact the embassy but they have advised that it is still under view by the DHS. 

My last visa took around 6 months to get sorted and something just doesn't seem right. 

Is anyone else experiencing these long wait times? 

Bump - I'm still waiting to hear back, wondering if anyone else is experiencing this? 
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)Supreme Being (257 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 10
Hi All, 

Looking for advise and if anyone else is stuck in limbo. I need to travel to US for work and this is beginning to become a problem. 

I need to get a visa due to a conviction in 10.12.2008 for POSSESS CANNABIS A CLASS C CONTROLLED DRUG ON 27.11.2008. MAGISTRATES COURT FINE OF 60 POUNDS (GBP) FORFEITED AND DESTROYED. 

Annoyingly this doesn't even appear on the records optioned from the police but does on old copies that I hold. As I have to travel for work I can't afford to risk an ESTA. 

I had an appointment at the US embassy in London on the 18/08/23.
My previous Visa had expired and was applying for a new one so I can travel to my US office for work.
After the interview the consular recommended a waiver would be put forward due to my ineligibility (same process for my last Visa that was approved). The letter that was provided on the day said it would be around a 6 month wait, however it's now been over a year. I’ve received no further communication, I have attempted to contact the embassy but they have advised that it is still under view by the DHS. 

My last visa took around 6 months to get sorted and something just doesn't seem right. 

Is anyone else experiencing these long wait times? 


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