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Dbs adults barred list

Dbs adults barred list

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)Supreme Being (172K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Mimz - 13 Nov 24 1:37 AM
Hie everyone i was recently placed on the adults barred only and not the children’s one.Could this be an error on the dbs part or its common to be placed on the adults barred list only and not the children’s list.I have found a job in a children’s nursery that requires an enhanced dbs check with children’s barred lists.Has anyone successfully worked with children after being barred from working with adults only or will applying for such a role trigger a review by the dbs and end up having me placed on both lists.

Not sure if of interest but in case not seen:

woman gets a ban overturned

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
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It is possible to be placed on one list and not the other. I have first-hand knowledge of a person whom was barred from working with Vulnerable Adults as a result of a concern raised by an employer and a subsequent DBS enquiry. However, they have not been placed on the Children's Barred List, and currently are working in a profession involving children.

I know only that the employer referral was made due to a incident of alleged "neglect", and the DBS decided to bar the person in question. It does seem quite strange that they would bar them from working with Vulnerable Adults and not children, but this is absolutely categorically the case and even the DBS certificate shows this, so... it's possible.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.5K
Mimz - 13 Nov 24 1:37 AM
Hie everyone i was recently placed on the adults barred only and not the children’s one.Could this be an error on the dbs part or its common to be placed on the adults barred list only and not the children’s list.I have found a job in a children’s nursery that requires an enhanced dbs check with children’s barred lists.Has anyone successfully worked with children after being barred from working with adults only or will applying for such a role trigger a review by the dbs and end up having me placed on both lists.

Being barred often comes from getting a criminal record for one of a long list of offences. In some cases, that might be triggered years later. It can also result from a referral by an employer, which they are required to do if they suspect something and take action, evn if they don't involve the police. People with a criminal record for the obvious things are usually on both lists, but someone who is referred might well just be barred from that specific workforce. I'm sure there are people who are barred from one because of a referral and go on to work with the other. If the police weren't involved, they wouldn't have any information to disclose, so the enhanced DBS check could be clear, so there would be no reason for the employer not to take that person on.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Forum Guru
Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)Forum Guru (58 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 27
Hie everyone i was recently placed on the adults barred only and not the children’s one.Could this be an error on the dbs part or its common to be placed on the adults barred list only and not the children’s list.I have found a job in a children’s nursery that requires an enhanced dbs check with children’s barred lists.Has anyone successfully worked with children after being barred from working with adults only or will applying for such a role trigger a review by the dbs and end up having me placed on both lists.

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