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Contents and building insurance effected,Our son has just got a criminal record.?Advise needed.

Contents and building insurance effected,Our son has just got a...

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Maysie

Have a look at the Information Hub. There is a list of motor insurers that only ask about motoring convictions, not criminal convictions -


a list of brokers who should be able to help you with house and contents insurance -

Good luck

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Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi mkkid

You will need to check the small print of your policy documents to see whether they ask you to disclose convictions or cautions that you (or anybody in the household) receives during the duration of the policy. If it doesn't specifically state that you must disclose them, then there is no requirement on you to do so. However, if the document states that you have to disclose then you will need to do so.

Hope this helps.

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Hi MKkid

I had a policy with Aviva and as soon as i declared they said they could not insure anymore so i cancelled the policy with them straight away before the done it for me..

The problem is as soon as they cancel then you have to declare to other insurance companies that you ad a policy cancelled ..

If its looking like a problem just cancel and renew with somebody else..
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I knew aviva would not insure me so cancelled with them then was honest with co-op who noted the crime and quoted didn't ask any questions about old insurance only if i had insurance refused or cancelled which i hadn't... i got a letter saying they knew about my crime and insured me with it..

I used them for buildings and contents...

Just cancel aviva if they ask whey tell them its nothing todo with them you just don't like them anymore..

Hope that help
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Yes i have buildings and contents with coop...
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I am with Adrian Flux who are OK tbh. They are alright to deal with they don't make you feel awkward or uncomfortable about discussing convictions. oddly I am with Aviva for my car but they wouldn't do my house!
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Adrian Flux for house and Aviva for car( Aviva didn't want to know about my conviction for my car insurance when I told them they said it wasn't relevant to the policy).

This works for me and is the most competitive way of doing it [for me].

Next year its been 5 years since my release so I can try LV for my house as I am told they don't count convictions more than 5 years old.
Don't know if they will be cheaper but another quote is always welcome.

Just as a tip, I always ring direct and ask first if they will cover me with my conviction before I even give my personal details such as full name and address. You would be surprised how often that works and saves embarrassment and giving info to a company that will turn you down.
I asked this of LV and that's how I found out about the 5 year thing without telling them who I was then when I come back to them It wont be a problem as they will ask if I have any criminal convictions in the last 5 years and I can say no :-)

Post Edited (CC) : 10/05/2015 01:20:12 (GMT+2)

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My son has been convicted obstruct /resist a constable in the execution of his duty and received a 6 month conditional discharge.Obviously if he doesnt re-offend in 6 month his conviction his conviction is spent and he does not have to declare it and i assume we don`t as well.

My son lives with me and reading the post it effects our building and contents insurance.We are concerned that our insurances are currently invalid.

Our building insurance with Co-op which still have 7 months to run and does not say anything about people living in your household with criminal convictions.It does for on-line quotes


Our contents insurance with AVIVA, states we have to advise them and this has 7 months to run.
Will Aviva cancel our policy.

Has anybody had experience of both companies

Post Edited (mkkid) : 23/03/2015 14:53:36 (GMT+1)

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Did you get any problems about,re-insuring with a new company.What excuse did you tell them about cancelling.
Did your new insurance company ask,why you cancelled your previous policy and when your cancelled.
what company did you use for your new policy.

The co-op are fine with the with my son record they will note it on my policy.We have recorded calls at work,if they wont send me out confirmation about the policy change.
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will my insursers share my information on a shared database.
I dont want Aviva contacting me and cancelling my policy before,i can cancel it with them.
Im advising co-op,so they will alter and put a note on my policy and i havent found alternative to aviva yet for contents insurance.
who do you guys/girls recommend.

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