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ABI Guidlines

ABI Guidlines

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Dean

Your assumption is right. If you are not asked whether you have a conviction, then you don't need to disclose it. However, you should always check when you receive your policy documents that your insurance company have not made any assumptions about convictions. Some will not ask but will put something about "no convictions" in the small print. If this is the case, you will either have to contact them and provide the correct information or make the decision to cancel.

With regard your second point, if you are only asked about convictions in the past five years, that's all you have to disclose.

The onus has shifted to the insurance company to find out information about convictions rather than on you needing to disclose it voluntarily.

If you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to give the Unlock Helpline a call.

Best wishes

Unlock Helpline

Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions

Call: 01634 247350 (Press 1)
Text: 07824 113848
Write: Helpline, Unlock, 35a High Street, Snodland, Kent, ME6 5AG

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
Hi Unlock Team,

Thanks for your reply. So to be 100% clear, if the policy document says No Convictions in last 5 years, then no need to declare if the conviction is more than 5 years old but if in the small print or on the policy somewhere, it says No Convictions (not stipulating an elapsed time frame) i need to either declare them or cancel the policy?

also, is the ABI document an approved document which if a claim was to be made and i have followed it to the letter, the Insurance company is responsible.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)Supreme Being (2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
Hi Guys,

Are the guidelines as set out in the below link a recognised document by the insurance companies providing policy within the UK? it has always been my assumption that an Unspent Conviction needs to be declared whether you are asked for it or not. this document suggests otherwise.

Am I now correct in assuming that unless specifically asked that anyone with an unspent conviction no longer has to declare it, unless specifically asked?

Also, am I right in assuming that if i answer no to "have you or anyone named had any criminal convictions in the last 5 years" and the assumptions page does not specifically mention Unspent convictions then the policy should be upheld, leading to valid insurance?

The reason, i ask is that i have always been told that unspent convictions need to be declared whether asked or not and this seems quite a big turn around. i don't want to get caught out with this, if a claim was ever to be made.


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