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moving home

moving home

Supreme Being
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To be honest I'd imagine it's just a matter of transferring your case to another officer. Is it in a different probation area? If so that might make it a little more complicated but not impossible.

The way change occurs to begin with, if you come up with a good're ignored. If you go on you must be mad, absolutely stark-staring bonkers. If you go on after that you're dangerous. Then, if the pressure keeps up there's a pause. And then you can't find anyone at the top who doesn't claim to have thought of it in the first place. That's how progress is made (Tony Benn).

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)

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I moved house, when I was first convicted, and it was all transferred swiftly and without fuss. You are basically handed over to another area and officer.

My first probation officer did all the legwork and I sat back and waited for the new one to contact me, which she did in a couple of weeks.

Best of luck with the house move.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)Supreme Being (598 reputation)

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Hi am currently on probation untill september and a house has come up and me and my wife and son want to move in it to be closer to our family
Now am wondering my probation officer has said we can move but he has to transfer everything,whats does he have to do and how long will it take

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