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Filtering help for DBS - feeling sick!

Filtering help for DBS - feeling sick!

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Confusedandanxious

If you search the list of offences that will never be filtered ( then neither of these appear on the list which could mean that your caution would be eligible for filtering.

However, filtering is determined by the Act that you were cautioned under rather than the name of the offence. The only way to find this out if you don't know it already, would be to do a Subject Access Request with your local police. Unfortunately, this is likely to take anything up to 40 days and you may find that your DBS Certificate will be back before your SAR.

The Certificate will be sent to you first so you'll have an opportunity to see it before the employer does. If you caution does appear, then you'll need to explain to the employer that you'd assumed that the caution would be filtered and that's why you didn't disclose it on the application form. The filtering system is still quite new and I'm sure the employer will have come across this before. You should then explain the circumstances around the offence. By the sounds of it, it looks worse on paper than it was in reality.

Hopefully, the Certificate will come back blank and this won't be something you have to worry about.

Let us know how you get on.


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Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)Supreme Being (12K reputation)

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Posts: 26, Visits: 0
They sound serious offences especially possession of weapon with intention to harm hopefully you might get lucky but tories are doing there best to ruin many people's lifes so its like a lottery game what there playing with rehabilitation and filtering system sadly if not lucky at least you will have peace to know they will remove it if you make it to live till 100 years of age as you could be a threat to others at 98 years still!
What a medieval system we live and accept to live under
I predict in next century 22nd century they will look back on some of these medieval laws on rehabilitation and laugh
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)Supreme Being (678 reputation)

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Posts: 1, Visits: 0
I am really worried to he point I'm feeling so sick every day

I have a current DBS check going through however I received a caution 14 years ago when I was just 14.

I got a caution for either

Possession of a weapon


Possession of a weapon with intent to harm

Not that there was any intent but that is another matter.

I am now being physically sick worrying about my DBS check I work in a administrative function but for the nhs so I believe the check is enhanced. Is this going to show up.

I thought that most cautions did get filtered but now I am also worried I lied on the form
If this isn't the case.

Does anyone have any idea?

If not,
I feel depressed at the fact something I did when I was 14 which is actually a massive misinterpretation and unfortunate circumstances is ruining my life even for w basic admininstration role. I gave up on Persuing my degree at the time because of the worry k had about this

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