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Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Arrests, allegations, finding of not guilty stay on your criminal record until you are 100 years old. They can be taken into account if you were to be arrested for a similar offence in the future.

If an employer were going to carry out a basic or standard criminal record check, they would not be disclosed. However, if you were looking to work with children or vulnerable adults and having to have an enhanced check, the police may chose to disclose this under 'additional information'. It would have to be very relevant to the job that you were doing.

Hope this helps.


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Good afternoon, been a while since I was on here last but I wonder if someone could answer a question for me please?
In 2007 I was charged with 5 counts of rape, 2 counts of breaching the data protection act and 1 count of Harassment (putting person in fear of violence) It was an awful time in my life involving an ex partner, anyway, I was remanded in custody and on the day of the first court appearance the CPS barrister, in talks with my barrister, said he was amazed the case had got thus far and offered me a deal, accept the 2 counts of breaching the data protection act and a lesser Harassment charge and there would be no trial, to be honest I wanted the trial but my barrister went ape**** and so I pleaded as guided. I got a suspended sentence and as I had spent 3 months on remand went home. However, in the excitement I had not realised the Judge had ordered that the rape charges remain on file! Under the recent ROA changes my convictions are now spent but my question is: how long do the rape charges remain on file?
Any information greatly received thank you.

Post Edited (AB) : 07/02/2016 17:57:01 (GMT+1)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)Supreme Being (27K reputation)

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Posts: 78, Visits: 1K
Rape is a sexual offence, and if by 'on file' you mean showing on standard and enhanced CRB/DBS checks, I'm afraid that they'll always show.

I suggest you get back in touch with your barrister and get him to get hold of the CPS to see if they have the deal on file.

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